Sunday 29 July 2012

Week Four - Love - Brothers

You are my World

When I saw that the weeks theme was LOVE I knew exactly what I wanted to get a photo of. Actually getting that photo though would be easier said than done.

These are my two sons, my Handsome Monkey Monster Callum and my Gorgeous Lil Devil Riley. They are like any typical siblings with their love/hate relationship but they share such a very special bond.They are my world but they are also each others worlds.

I know some people know the story about Callum and him making a wish but I haven't mentioned it here on this blog. So it seems fitting that I should do so now.

Wishes DO come true

For a while Callum had said to hubby and I how he wished he had a brother and he was lonely. After the trauma of Callum's birth we had sort of said that we were happy just to have him but over the years the thought of having another child crept into our heads and the worry and concern of Callum being an only child also did. You know how you have some children who are quite suitable to being an only child? Well Callum isn't one of those, he would have been at home with 10 siblings probably. So there we are hubby and I with these thoughts so we think "Why not, lets give it a try and see how it goes.". We didn't tell anyone and especially not Callum that we were trying for another child. Fast forward in time and in Jul;y 2009 we find out I am pregnant. It's only early days but we aren't ones to keep a secret so we tell both our parents and we're met from my MIL with a little tale from a few months before about Callum and a wishing well. Now if this had come from the mouth of anyone else I would have thought they were making it up but not my MIL, it just isn't her. So go back in time a few months and Hubby, Callum and I are out with my in-laws at a place called Crews Hill, it's a huge garden centre area. In one of the shops we visit they have a wishing well so Callum asks my MIL if he can have a coin to make a wish. She gives him the coin, Callum makes the wish. Then he turns to her and says "Nanny I'm going to tell you my wish as I know it won't come true. I wished for a baby brother but wishes don't come true."

Nothing more was thought of it and Hubby and I were never even told about it.

That was until we phoned up to tell my in-laws I was pregnant. Turns out that wish was made around the time I fell pregnant with Riley.

When we told Callum we had some news to tell him later the same day we had told our parents about the pregnancy and before we managed to tell him what the news was he said "I know what it is, I'm getting a baby brother, Mummy has a baby in her belly."

So now Callum believes that wishes come true and how can you deny his thinking heck even I believe it now. I think it's the best thing in the world and what a story to tell Riley when he older, Your brother made a wish for you and it came true!! What an amazing bond.

And now to get Callum to make a wish to win the lottery. lol. ;)

Sorry about the long rambling story but I hope you all now believe that wishes can come true and why for this weeks theme there was no other photo and story I should have. 
Of course me being me though I did take other photos, here are some of the other photo which show how much I love summertime. 


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