Saturday 25 August 2012

Week Eight - Silhouettes - Brothers

The theme this week was silhouette, here are my two sons looking at each other through a magnifying glass. I just loved the moment captured and how you can see the smiles on their faces.

 And here is the colour version, I think I much prefer the black and white.

Friday 17 August 2012

Week Seven - Eyes

I think when you have a theme of Eyes it's pretty obvious what I will photograph, of course it is! Those gorgeous Blue Eyes of my boys.

Of course things don't always go to plan.....

 Riley just refused to look at the camera no matter how hard I tried to get him to and no matter how many bribes I offered. He thought he was extremely funny and was very proud of himself. LOL

And then I got an early birthday present from Hubby and the Boys, a set of extension tubes. Those Big Blues of my boys were crying out to be photographed.

Thankfully Callum was a sort of willing model:

I love how his iris reminds me of a dandelion just before you make a wish and I never ever get tired of looking into these eyes. They always amaze me and not only does he have gorgeous eyes but he has eyelashes to make anyone jealous.

I wish I had been able to get more eye shots but alas this was it. Oh well.

Sunday 12 August 2012

Week Six, Fantasy

This weeks theme was fantasy.

Definition of fantasy (from Oxford Dictionaries online)

noun (plural fantasies)

  • 1 [mass noun] the faculty or activity of imagining impossible or improbable things: his researches had moved into the realms of fantasy
  • [count noun] a fanciful mental image, typically one on which a person often dwells and which reflects their conscious or unconscious wishes: the notion of being independent is a child’s ultimate fantasy
  • [count noun] an idea with no basis in reality: it is a misleading fantasy to suggest that the bill can be implemented
  • a genre of imaginative fiction involving magic and adventure, especially in a setting other than the real world.

2 Music a fantasia.

I had some ideas but well those didn't quite work out, someone wasn't in the mood to be a willing and helpful participant.... just see the photo up above, I think Callum's fantasy is that I didn't have a love for photography. Oh well. :D

Monday 6 August 2012

Week Five - Repetition


This weeks 52 Week Photo Challenge theme was Repetition. Having had a busy week I hadn't had time to really think about what to photograph and it wasn't until Sunday morning that I realised I hadn't taken a photo for the theme. So I had a quick look around the dining room and came across these straws. We were having a rare bit of sunshine so I tied the straws together and laid them on a white ceramic wall tile by the back door with the sunshine shining through them. I really liked the abstracty feel of this shot and the lightness of it. Editing wise I used some actions that I've recently gotten and been practicing with, in this case I used MCP Actions, CoffeShop Blog and Paint the Moon actions, oh and of course picmonkey, all of these were free and apart from picmonkey used in PSE10. I've really enjoyed using the actions and I'm slowly learning more about editing with these and want to try out some of my own actions. Need a quiet day for that though with no distractions of little feet. lol 

And here is another shot I got later in the day... once that sunshine had gone. Here in the UK we are having one of the wettest summers on record. It's been ridiculous really and we are all thoroughly fed up with the rain now, we need some sunshine, some warmth! It's the school summer holidays and the boys should be out in the garden from early to late but alas our garden is a mud bath and so they can't make the most of it. Even a rare day out for us and we had non-stop rain, which didn't stop us or spoil our day out but it made it hard to make the most of where we went (which was Tropical Wings Zoo). So Mother Nature please can you get your act in gear and give us a proper summer, pretty please. With all this rain it's crazy to think that only a few months ago hose-pipe bans were in place, maybe we should blame the water companies. ;) Well here's hoping for some sunshine.